
It happens in seconds....

The way your body works is incredible! Take the reality behind our brain and our reactions for example.

You see something and perceive it as danger. The hypothalamus sends a signal to your pituitary, then sends a signal to your adrenal gland that says, release stress hormones! Adrenaline! Cortisol! Your heart starts to pound; your pupils dilate; maybe your body even tingles, and you become short of breath. Right there, your body is primed to be in flight, flight or freeze response, and it literally happened in a matter of seconds.

After experiencing a traumatic event people often wonder why its so hard to get over it or, for that matter how they will get through it. Part of the reason why its so hard is during a traumatic event our brain made a pattern to keep you safe. Now that you are safe, it's your job to help the brain make new patterns to get out of trauma and the fight, flight and response and yes - 100% its hard. 

At Lakunakai we focus on better understanding your body and it's reactions. Our focus is built on foundational information derived from neuroscience (brain sci), psychology (psyc) and emotional intelligence (ei). 

Its our hope when you begin your own empowering journey of personal growth for both you and your children after a challenging life event that you can take in these bite sized pieces of information to slowly recover while becoming wiser and more resilient day by day. It is also our hope the tools and products we provide will be a positive resource for all. 

We are thrilled you are you are here. 

Thanks for joining us!

- The Lakunakai Team

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